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Always in success!
muhammad bin abdullah
Target and achievement this year
| author: MatskaiBiodisc Specification
| author: Matskai
Appearance : Round Clear Glass.
Specific : Diameter 9cm. Thickness 10mm.
Weight : 130grams.
Origin : Germany.
Disclaimer & Limitations :
This product can be used alongside any other therapy whether orthodox medical or complementary. However it should not be considered as an alternative to professional medical advice or intended as a substitute for professional medical opinion. No responsibility or liability rest with the BioDisc relating to the use or misuse of this product. It is the responsibility of the buyer and/or user to ensure that this product's use is appropriate for any particular application.
The information contain herein has been complied from sources believed to be reliable but no warranty, express or implied, is given that the information is complete or accurate nor that it is fit for a particular purpose. All such warranties are expressly disclaimed and excluded. Any opinions, recommendations and forecasts provided are not necessarily the current opinions, recommendations and forecasts of the sources and may be changed without notice at any time. All liabilities whatsoever arising from any error in or omission herein and for all consequences of relying on it are expressly disclaimed.
Amezcua Bio Disc – Perniagaan baru Aku
| author: MatskaiAmezcua Bio Disc, sebuah alat yang menghasilkan energi alami yang revolusioner, merupakan produk dari bahan mineral alami yang telah direkayasa secara teknis yang telah diikatkan pada gelas secara struktural dan mampu menghasilkan frekuensi energi skalar. Alat peresonansi skalar alamiah yang tahan lama ini mempunyai kemampuan untuk ditransferkan ke dan meremajakan struktur molekul pada semua cairan.
Sederhananya, energi yang diciptakan oleh Amezcua Bio Disc dapat menyebabkan cairan menjadi lebih banyak mengandung air, bercita rasa lebih baik, dan mempunyai umur pajang-rak yang lebih lama.
Dengan meminum segelas air yang telah ditempatkan di atas Amezcua Bio Disc, atau yang telah dituangkan di atas Disc dapat membantu Anda mendetoksifikasi dan menghidrasi semua sel-sel tubuh Anda, meningkatkan kadar oksigen dalam darah Anda, serta meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda. Anda juga dapat tidur lebih nyenyak dengan menempatkan Amezcua Bio Disc di tengah-tengah ranjang, atau memberi Anda energi dengan mandi menggunakan bio disc. Kemungkinan penyembuhannya tak terbatas.
Labels: KESIHATAN | author: Matskai
Fresher & tasting drinking water.
When showering or bathing, water does not “leach” energy and minerals out of bather, but contributes energy and promotes detoxification.
Increased lathering ability of soap, shampoo, detergent, etc.
Improved plant growth and seed germination.
Reduction or elimination of chlorine odor and chlorine gas from the shower.
Prevents corrosion of piping systems, hot water tanks, dishwashers, air conditioning units, heating systems, ice machines, etc.
It is known to create positive energy field.
It can potentially harmonise and balance your body’s rhythmus.
It has the ability to balance ying and yang and create a CHI Life Force
Drinking the energized water created from Bio Disc will help you detoxify and hydrate all body cells
It increases oxygenation of the blood
Maximizes Nutritional benefits
It enhances the immune system of your body
Assists in paint relief
It has calming effects of the resonance, increasing mental cognition
It helps to improve sleep
It reduces stress levels
It enhances the taste of food and beverages
Extends shelf life
Improves Wellness
Rejuvenates dead cells Exposes positive and expels negative effect
Session Summary Report
| author: MatskaiSession Summary Report Date : Mon Oct 20 09:52:54 2008 GMT Logon Completion Status : Success You Logged on at 20/10/2008 05:30 PM i-Access Code Completion Status : Success Date : 20/10/2008 05:31 PM Account Summary Completion Status : Success Base Currency : MYR Date : 20/10/2008 05:31 PM i-Access Code Completion Status : You have requested for the i-Access Code. Kindly refer to our Internet Banking Customer Care, email at or contact at 03 2690 0900. Date : 20/10/2008 05:35 PM Account Summary Completion Status : Success Base Currency : MYR Date : 20/10/2008 05:35 PM MEPS/IBG Completion Status : Success Your transaction has been executed on : 20081020173735 Your transaction confirmation number is 743508 MEPS IBG Sequence Number : 14804534057944 Source Account : Savings Account 13044020072534 MYR Transfer Amount : 457.00 MYR Beneficiary Bank : EON BANK BERHAD Beneficiary account : 0581450058659 MYR Beneficiary Name : MUHAMMAD BIN ABDULLAH Recipient's E-mail Address : Payment Details : bayaran bulan oktober 2008 MEPS/IBG Completion Status : Success Your transaction has been executed on : 20081020174044 Your transaction confirmation number is 743648 MEPS IBG Sequence Number : 14804534058002 Source Account : Savings Account 13044020072534 MYR Transfer Amount : 200.00 MYR Beneficiary Bank : BANK SIMPANAN NASIONAL BERHAD Beneficiary account : 1111029000307724 MYR Beneficiary Name : ABU BAKAR B. AWANG Recipient's E-mail Address : Payment Details : bayaran sewa bulan 10 2008 Open Bill Payment Completion Status : Success Date : 20/10/2008 05:43 PM Your Bill Pay transaction has been executed on : 20/10/2008 Your transaction confirmation number is : 743763 Service Provider : Tenaga Nasional Berhad Details : 04430078847208 Source Account : Savings Account 13044020072534 MYR Amount : 41.62 MYR Description : BIL API BULAN 10 2008 Account History You Viewed Account History at 20/10/2008 05:46 PM Completion Status : Success Account : Savings Account 13044020072534 MYR Prepaid Reload Completion Status : Success Date : 20/10/2008 05:51 PM Your transaction has been executed on : 20/10/2008 Your transaction confirmation number is : 744072 Source Account : Savings Account 13044020072534 MYR Service Provider : Celcom Prepaid Product : Celcom Airtime Amount : 30.00 MYR PIN : 9420278056647863 Serial Number : 839483-0035-0007 Expiry Date : 10102017 Mobile Number : Logout You Logged out at 20/10/2008 05:52 PM Inserted from <>
Bill Pay
| author: Matskai Open Bill Payment-Confirmation as at 20/10/2008 05:43 PM Thank You Your transaction has been executed on 20/10/2008 Your transaction confirmation number is 743763 Transaction Details Service Provider Tenaga Nasional Berhad Account Number 04430078847208 Source Account Savings Account 13044020072534 MYR Amount 41.62 MYR Details BIL API BULAN 10 2008 Copyright © 2007 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad Inserted from <>
MEPS IBG Confirmation
| author: Matskai MEPS IBG Confirmation as at 20/10/2008 05:40 PM Thank You Your transaction has been executed on 20/10/2008 Your transaction confirmation number is 743648 MEPS IBG Sequence Number 14804534058002 Payment Details Source Account Savings Account 13044020072534 MYR Transfer Amount 200.00 MYR Beneficiary Bank BANK SIMPANAN NASIONAL BERHAD Beneficiary Account No 1111029000307724 Beneficiary Name ABU BAKAR B. AWANG Recipient's E-mail Address Payment Details bayaran sewa bulan 1 Charge Amount 0.50 MYR Copyright © 2007 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad Inserted from <>
MEPS IBG Confirmation
| author: Matskai MEPS IBG Confirmation as at 20/10/2008 05:37 PM Thank You Your transaction has been executed on 20/10/2008 Your transaction confirmation number is 743508 MEPS IBG Sequence Number 14804534057944 Payment Details Source Account Savings Account 13044020072534 MYR Transfer Amount 457.00 MYR Beneficiary Bank EON BANK BERHAD Beneficiary Account No 0581450058659 Beneficiary Name MUHAMMAD BIN ABDULLAH Recipient's E-mail Address Payment Details bayaran bulan oktobe Charge Amount 0.50 MYR Copyright © 2007 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad Inserted from <>
Hati-hati dengan perbankan online
| author: MatskaiAdjust font size: Hati-hati dengan perbankan online Roime Puniran Oct 20, 06 5:38pm Sekarang in sering berlaku penipuan dalam perkhidmatan Internet. Mereka yang melakukan penipuan ini mengaku diri mereka pandai, tetapi sebenarnya mereka tidak sepakar mana.
Bagaimana mereka berkerja? Mereka hanya mampu mereka bentuk paparan pengguna yang ditiru bulat-bulat dari perkhidmatan perbankan Internet online dan membuat 'engine' mudah dibelakang paparan tersebut. Enjin mudah ini akan menyimpan rekod 'username' dan 'password' dan maklumat lain seperti nombor telefon, alamat, dan sebagainya.
Setiap maklumat yang ditaip pengguna akan disimpan dalam pengkalan 'software' atau hanya disimpan dalam 'template' teks biasa berbentuk '.txt, .xml' atau sebagainya (boleh dibuka pula menggunakan 'Notepad, Wordpad' untuk Windows). Jadi jangan teruja sangat dengan kepintaran dan kejahatan mereka. Sebab itu pihak polis dapat memberkas mereka kerana mereka tidak mampu mencipta akaun bank berbentuk 'anonymous/fake' didalam sistem perbankan yang sebenar.
Bagaimana polis berjaya memberkas mereka? Ingat, mereka hanya mampu membina aplikasi melibatkan interaksi pengguna dan sistem mereka sahaja. Interaksi sistem mereka masih belum berjaya menembusi sistem perbankan yang sebenar. Mungkin ada para penggodam yang berjaya memasuki sistem perbankan online, tetapi di Malaysia, masih tiada kes kehilangan wang besar-besaran yang melibatkan komuniti penggodam.
Jika ada pun, mesti melibatkan orang dalam. Ingat, penggodam yang beretika tidak akan menganiaya orang lain. Dan lagi satu, penggodam yang bijak tidak akan kantoi!
Apabila pengguna telah memasukkan 'username' dan 'password' dan segala maklumat melalui laman web palsu ciptaan mereka ini, penjahat akan buka 'online banking' yang sebenar. Mereka akan masukkan 'username' dan 'password' yang mereka telah curi dari pengguna tadi. Kemudian, mereka pindahkan wang pengguna tadi ke dalam akaun mereka yang sebenar.
Tetapi mereka melakukan tindakan bodoh apabila membuka akaun bank sendiri menggunakan maklumat asal mereka di kaunter-kaunter bank. Pihak polis hanya perlu pergi ke bank-bank dan memeriksa akaun pengguna yang tertipu dan melihat transaksi terakhir, ke mana duit berkenaan pergi. Tentu sekali duit tersebut masuk ke dalam akaun penjahat-penjahat ini. Penjahat ini menggunakan maklumat sebenar mereka semasa mendaftar akaun, atau setidak-tidaknya cap jari mereka melekat pada buku akaun.
Memang benar, sesetengah sistem perbankan ada mempunyai aplikasi 'authorisation' dan 'authentication' yang boleh menghalang penceroboh seperti sistem TAC. Namun perlu diingat, TAC ini bole dimanipulasi jika ada 'orang dalam' yang terlibat dalam sindiket-sendikit tersebut.
Jadi bagaimana untuk mengelak akaun anda diceroboh? Bagi pengguna yang kurang arif tentang selok belok bahasa pengaturcaraan, sistem/rangkain komputer atau tidak tahu langsung tentang sistem perbankan 'online', elakkan dari menggunakan komputer semasa membuat pemindahan wang tunai.
Anda juga perlu berhati-hati apabila menggunakan maklumat pada 'link' yang diberi di e-mail anda. Jika disuruh anda masuk ke dalam 'link' (contohnya, seperti maka anda perlu hati-hati.
Penjahat tahu pengguna yang kurang bijak mudah tertipu dengan perkataan Jadi mereka meletakkan perkataan itu di dalam 'link'. Sebenarnya, perkataan itu cuma salah satu dari 'name directory' sahaja. Seperti anda biasa lakukan apabila membuat 'folder' baru di 'window' anda.
Yang paling penting, lihat pada pangkalnya. Jika pangkalnya ( atau apa sahaja) nampak meragukan, sila abaikan atau lapor pada bank anda. Kadangkala, mereka juga boleh alih laluan 'surfing' Internet anda dengan mengaburi mata anda.
Kononnya mereka suruh anda klik pada, tetapi apabila anda klik, ada tidak akan masuk ke, tetapi anda akan masuk ke laman web persendirian yang palsu.
Jika anda tidak faham atau merasakan perbankan 'online' menyusahkan, lebih baiklah kurangkan dari menggunakan aplikasi online. Atau hubungi bank anda jika anda mendapat apa-apa maklumat dari pihak yang anda tidak ketahui.
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What’s actually a blog?
| author: MatskaiThe general formula of a blog involves three key components – an extract, embedded links and personal commentary. The common denominator is the embedded links. Many of today's blogs, especially the personal journal or diary types, do not contain embedded links. ON THE surface, it might seem obvious what a blog is but these days that term is bandied about so much that almost anything published online is referred to as a blog. But it wasn't always the case. There used to be a precise definition of what a blog is or should be. The word "blog" itself is actually a shortened version of the word "weblog", which itself is not a very intuitive term. By looking at its component parts, one would be forgiven for mistaking a weblog for an online diary. But blogs weren't originally meant to detail activities of a person's daily life or musings. They were originally used by geeks to share with other geeks the various interesting articles, postings and tools that they found on the web. The general formula used involved three key components: i) an extract ii) embedded links iii) personal commentary. So, if a blogger were to come across an interesting article about some new gadget for example, he would then take an extract from the article, embed a link to a keyword in the extract and then add in his two cents' worth. Voila, you have a blog posting! Of course that formula is not set in stone and even the early bloggers would occasionally deviate from it. But they generally had at least two of the three components. The common denominator it would seem is the embedded link. And that's a crucial point that distinguishes the original form of blogging with what blogs have grown to become today. Many of today's blogs – especially the personal journal or diary types – do not contain embedded links. To see an example of "classical blogging" at work, visit blogs by Jeff Ooi, Rocky's Bru and Tony Pua. Whether by design or just by natural inclination, these bloggers typically have at least two of the three components found in the classical blogging formula. Embedded links are always there. Contrast that to the diary type bloggers such as Kenny Sia and Nicole Tan. You'll find that their blogs contain a lot of pictures, lots of personal comments, observations and stories but no extracts or embedded links. What that tells you is that the ethos of classical blogging is very different from that of online diary blogging. The former is designed for the reader to come in, read what the blogger has to say about a particular topic and then move on to the original source of the story (which can be found by clicking on the embedded links). Such blogs are not meant to be sticky but to inform you about something the blogger discovered and wants to share. The latter is designed for you to come in and hang around for a while. To read the witty or irreverent stories and to enjoy the pretty or funny pictures that accompanies them. In other words, they are meant to be sticky, not to send you away to some other site. The online diary type of blogs, in contrast, are standalone and rarely refer to or derive their content from external sources. Earlier this week, I moderated a forum on blogging where the panellists included Jeff and Rocky. At one point both of them remarked that although they are part of the alternative media movement, they still appreciated mainstream media because without mainstream media, they'd lose an important source of stories to link to and to comment on. Interestingly, The Star's Group-Chief-Editor, Wong Chun Wai, who was also a panellist also regularly, makes use of embedded links in his blog. Although many of his postings consist of breaking news rather than commentary on a published topic, the fact that he includes embedded links makes him more of a classical blogger, in the mould of Jeff and Rocky Many socio-political bloggers tend to adopt the embedded link approach to blogging. One very popular online presence who generally does not embed any links is Raja Petra Kamaruddin, who is often mistakenly referred to as a blogger. He's definitely an online pundit or commentator. Even the term online columnist would be a fairly accurate description. But in very few respects is his a blogger, be it in the embedded link or the online diary sense of the term. In fact, his website, Malaysia Today, is very much an online news portal that aggregates content (often without permission) from all over the place. I have been amused in the past to suddenly find myself being a "Guest Columnist" on Malaysia Today without my knowledge! In a sense, the ethos of blogging is there in that it's about sharing information that Raja Petra (or his team) find interesting. But the form that they use – cutting and pasting whole articles rather than referring people to those articles through embedded links – is not that of blogging. Some would say a rose by any other name smells just as sweet. And perhaps they are right in a sense. But if we are to use the terms "blog" and "anything published online" interchangeably, why even have the word "blog" in the first place? Surely, a phrase must have some specific characteristics in order for it to have any meaning. Oon Yeoh began blogging – the classical way, with embedded links – in 2003. He can be reached at www. (which is an archive of his articles, not a blog).
Start a Blog
| author: MatskaiBLOGGERS ... blah, blah, blah. There, that got your attention, didn't it? Let me share a secret that some of us in the mainstream media (abbreviated "MSM" these days, usually with a certain degree of distaste and disapproval) have known for years, and which some government officials are only now beginning to realise. If you want to see an article or statement get a lot of "airplay" (pardon the archaic term) on the Internet, just say something about bloggers or blogging. Then stand back and watch the fun. Blogging has become synonymous with alternative media, even though the latter encompasses more than just the former. And everyone's jumping on the bandwagon. Politicians are now according the alternative media (more accurately, the alternative electronic media) more respect, and a fair degree of fear, too, than they are the MSM. They want to engage bloggers, have tea with them, initiate dialogues, get their feedback, whatever. Lessons have been learned, points taken. Or have they? Going by what certain Barisan Nasional members have said since the March 8 polls, one has to wonder if they truly see the new landscape before them. Members are being urged to start their own blogs to counter and correct the "tens of thousands" of Opposition blogs that are arrayed against Barisan's mere handful. These blogs would allow the coalition to reach out to those people that the MSM does not appeal to, most notably the young professionals, and get its message across. The MSM has failed the ruling party, the new conventional wisdom goes, so the ruling party is now going to enlist the alternative media. As a cranky and cynical journalist, it is my duty to burst this bubble. It's not going to work. Not while you operate under a set of erroneous assumptions. First, the blogging community isn't a single enormous, amorphous entity that thinks alike. It's a bunch of disparate individuals with their own ideas of what's important and what's true (to them). You can't appeal to the community or engage it in its entirety. All you can do is, hopefully, identify some individuals who may be helpful to your cause and curry favour with them, with the caveat that these individuals can't speak for the others ... who will keep on doing what they have been doing anyway. If you really want to engage bloggers, read their blogs and the comments posted by their readers. This will give you a good idea of what the concerns of the rakyat are, what they think of your statements, and what issues you need to address. Also, there aren't "tens of thousands" of Opposition blogs. Like you, the Opposition parties had only a handful, notably by the likes of Jeff Ooi, Lim Kit Siang, Tony Pua, Chegu Bard, and a few others. All those others? They aren't Opposition blogs. They're the blogs of the people of Malaysia. You know ... the rakyat. They are concerned individuals, giving their personal take on the issues that affect them. Some are insightful, others are biased; some question everything and everyone, others question everyone but a former prime minister; some are balanced and objective, others wear their hearts on their sleeves. Just because they disagree with or criticise you does not make them "Opposition" blogs. Labelling them thus gives the impression that you're not really listening to the people of Malaysia. Finally, there is the Umno leader who said that the Opposition had the unfair advantage of the Internet and texting, while Barisan had only the MSM – print publications, radio, and TV. You know, media that reaches out to just about every Malaysian, as opposed to media that is reaching out to an ever-increasing but still comparatively small number of Malaysians. No wonder you lost so many seats, huh? Here's some news for you: The MSM was more than equal to the task of getting your message across to just about every Malaysian out there. Verily, wearily ... Malaysians got your message. They just didn't buy it. You want to counter all that criticism on the Net? Easy: don't give people any ammunition. Don't say stupid things, don't release ill-conceived statements, don't contradict yourself, don't harp on issues that only you seem concerned about. Malaysians are not stupid. They've never been stupid. They've always criticised. In the old days, they did it in barbershops, taxis, and at the mamak They prefer progress to development; they want to enrich themselves rather than just gather wealth; they want to improve their quality of life, not just adopt the latest lifestyle; they want to be heard, not just be spoken to. And here's the kicker. If you really were adapting to the new media, nothing of what I've said above would be news to you. Bloggers have already covered this ground.
stalls. Now they do it on the Internet. Perhaps I'm being uncharacteristically optimistic but I think the Malaysian people have reached a new stage in their process of self-realisation.
Testimoni Biodisc
