Date : 16 JUNE 2007
Log-in : 9.00 PM
Log-out : 10.00 PM
Location : At Home
1 What have you learnt about pronunciation from the website?
I had already learnt about how to pronounce a certain word with the correct pronunciation. Further more, i also got better knowledge on consonant sound, vowel sound and diphthong. From my past lesson, this is the difficult part in English language because it needs student to listen carefully and attentively the say or pronounces it again until the correct pronunciation. From the website, i also had my experience exploring the activity and game provided. I found it is very useful for all students all over the world to explorer and play it by themselves for an extra activity and learning progress. This website helps me improve a lot of speaking and communication skills without wasting my money to get it from the other form or consultant outside.
2 Did you find this activity useful? Why / Why not?
In my opinion, the most activity provided is very useful. I say so because each game can create more drilling game or activity in a way to get a better pronunciation. In the other hand, all the user can improve their pronunciation easily and effectively without wasting a lot of time. Just a one click button the you can hear and say back the with the correct pronunciation. This is that English need now a days and in future because a lot of people was ashamed and blushed to speak or pronounce the difficult or simple word in English because they have no enough confidence to do so. Consequently, this kind of activity can help student to get more spirit and increase their confidence level to be more successful and get better improvement in communication skills and techniques.
3 List other related websites you found that have useful information on pronunciation. (if any)
Date : 20 JUNE 2007
Log-in : 9.30 am
Log-out : 10.40 am
Location : Kota Bharu PPL Centre
1 What have you learnt from the given website or other similar websites?
I found it is very useful for all students all over the world to explorer and play it by themselves for an extra activity and learning progress. This website helps me improve a lot of speaking and communication skills without wasting my money to get it from the other form or consultant outside.
2 Did you feel that this activity has helped you in you pronunciation? Why / Why not?
All these activities assume that learners have had at least some initial introduction to the pronunciation skills. Give the students a list of recently learned words with a specific sound underlined, e.g. one of the vowel sounds. The learners then categories the words into the different vowel sounds. To make the activity easier, you could restrict the number of vowel sounds used, and give learners the options they have to choose from. They can come and click on these sounds on the board or computer to check. When checking with the whole class, one student can stand at the board or sit at the computer, clicking on the 'correct' sound for each word, which the teacher confirms or rejects
3 List other related websites you found that have useful information (if any)
Date : 27 June 2007
Log-in : 3.00 pm
Log-out : 4.30 pm
Location : Kota Bharu PPL Centre
1 What have you learnt about conversation skills from the given website?
From the given website, I had learnt about conversation skills such as how to learnt a conversation, how to start a conversation how to make your partner to be more comfortable, how to encourage your partner, how to select the best part on the topic, tips and strategies for the best conversation session and how to ask the question. From the website, I had already improved my conversation skill and my interpersonal skill. Therefore, it helps student to generate and elicits their ideas to perform the best conversation.
2 Did you find this activity useful? Why / Why not?
From all the activity, I could see there are many useful activities that can be more effective strategies to increase the student of the conversation skills and techniques. It can help student to speak with more well prepared planning and encourage student to be more confidence person with the highest personality required. We can get the knowledge as fast as we can where or whenever you need it to.
3 List other related websites you found that have useful information.
Date : 3 July 2007
Log-in : 2.50 pm
Log-out : 4.00 pm
Location : Kota Bharu PPL Centre
1 What have you learnt from the website about non-verbal communication?
Write short notes about what you have read on this topic.
Non-verbal communication is a antonym or verbal communication in that case it can easily tag as a silent made expressions. Sometimes in our real life the non-verbal communication can be more effective than verbal communication such as the ‘shh” finger in front at the lips is more meaningful from shouting “KEEP QUIET”. The non-verbal communication like a body motions can make the others people get more attractive to find more information from us. However, the non-verbally communication is really useful for a certain time and part of communication only.
2 Did you find this activity useful? Why / Why not?
Yes, it is very useful. From the activity, I had learnt more extra knowledge on how to communicate in the other way or type of communication skill which is call non-verbal communication. Uninventive, we were also used the verbally communication but we could not, realize that it is one of the verbally communication skill. While much nonverbal communication is based on arbitrary symbols which differ from culture to culture, a large proportion is also to some extent iconic and may be universally understood.
3 List others related websites you found that have useful information on non-verbal communication..
Date : 10 July 2007
Log-in : 10.00 pm
Log-out : 12.00 pm
Location : At Home
1 How did you do on the diagnostic test? What is your test score? Which grammar item(s) do you need to improve in?
It is simple sentence but need to be careful on the grammar it an usage. I only got 14 questions correct from the 20 questions stated. When I checked the answers, i found that I had weaknesses on a certain grammar item such as present perfect tense and past perfect tense. I could improve my weaknesses by continuing to next section of the questions provided in the website. As a result i got a better achievement and I should be proud of my rapid achievement.
2 What have you learnt from the website (s)?
This diagnostic grammar test purposely helps me to find out my weak point as well as my strong points. It also encourages me to get more effort in solving and remedy all my weaknesses on a grammar items. Besides that, the provided answer helps me to manage and relies how to improve my grammar achievement because it also stated a simple explanation for generating an ideas of the correct answer.
3 Did you find this activity useful? Why / Why not?
Yes, it is very useful. From the activity, i had learnt more extra knowledge on how solving grammar error. I could see there are many useful activities that can be more effective strategies to increase the student of the grammar skills and techniques. It can help student to write with more well prepared planning and encourage student to be more confidence person with the highest language required. We can get the knowledge as fast as we can where or whenever you need it to.
Date : 27 July 2007
Log-in : 11.00 am
Log-out : 12.15 pm
Location : Kota Bharu PPL Centre
1 What grammar exercises did you do? What have you learnt from the websites you found?
I had done with the preposition grammar exercises. I got only 7 questions correct out of 10 questions stated. From the exercises, I could rely that my grammar items on preposition item is still got a room to improve. I had learnt so many kind of situation for locating a suitable preposition and mostly got a lack of confidence to choose the best answer because the answer given is so close and tickly.
2 Did you find this activity useful? Why / Why not?
In my opinion, this activity is very useful and meaningful for better enhancement on grammar item. I could suggest to everybody to try it individually and explorer their weaknesses by themselves. This activity can inspire our ability to be more accurate in select the best answer. It we do an extra exercises then we will see our percentage of achievement clearly.
3 List websites you found that have useful or interesting grammar exercises.
Date : 3 August 2007
Log-in : 8.50 am
Log-out : 9.30 am
Location : Kota Bharu PPL Centre
1 What have you learnt from this website on leading or starting a discussion?
This website is designed to help student to improve their ability to engage in meaningful discussion in English. It is also meant to encourage student to develop the self confidence to be able to present their opinion to a group of people. It also stresses that the ideal number in one group world be about 5 people.
2 Did you find this activity useful? Why / Why not?
The activities provided help students to follow in order to develop the skills for having successful discussions. There also make us familiar with the several lists of relevant vocabulary often used by participants in a discussion. It also helps student on how to generate and elicit the main ideal or prints and elaborate the topics to hold a successful discussion.
3 List other websites where you found useful information related to discussion skills.
Date : 10 August 2007
Log-in : 10.00 am
Log-out : 11.30 am
Location : KTAK Access Centre
1 What have you learnt from this website on maintaining and ending a discussion?
To maintain the discussion, we must have the English communication skills; we must have knowledge and learn about the topics first. In order hand, we have to be more effort on generating and eliciting the ideas and always keep the discussion on the subject without repeat the same ideas. The presenter speaks slowly and landler so that everyone can understand them. To end up the discussion, we need to summarize when needed and looking for areas agreement then make sure that all participants understand and accept the group discussion.
2 Did you find this activity useful? Why / Why not?
Yes, it is very useful. From my own experience, I has to convince my self that my confidence level lead more high than before. It helps me to make the discussion more interesting and hold it as a successful discussion.
3 List other websites where you found useful information related to discussion skills.
Date : 21 August 2007
Log-in : 9.25 am
Log-out : 10.45 am
Location : Kota Bharu PPL Centre
1 List the websites in which you found useful information on designing a questionnaire for a survey.
2 Write some examples of survey questions (e.g. Wh-questions and Yes/No questions) that are appropriate for a questionnaire.
i. How would you rate this fast food?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
ii. Do you think eating fast food is healthy?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not very sure
3 Did you find this activity useful? Why / Why not?
Yes, it is very useful. From the activity, i had learnt more extra knowledge on how solving presentation skills. I could see there are many useful activities that can be more effective strategies to increase the student of the constructing questionnaire and techniques. It can help student to write with more well prepared planning and encourage student to be more confidence person with the highest questionnaire required. We can get the knowledge as fast as we can where or whenever you need it to.
Date : 30 August 2007
Log-in : 8.00 pm
Log-out : 9.45 pm
Location : At Home
1 What have you learnt from the given websites that will help you to give a good oral presentation in class?
From the website given. It will help us to give a good presentation in class. It explains to us the ability to deliver an effective presentation is one of those key skill that will we be expected to has obtained and be able to employ in multiple settings through out your career preparing and delivering an effective oral presentation requires the development and use of asset of skill that de minds attention to all these aspect of communication.
2 What area(s) do you need to work on to improve your oral presentation skills?
I need to work on to improve my communication. It means that, aside from the content of the presentation and our verbal skill in presenting it, we also have to think about vocal and non-verbal communication of presentation skills, about our audience and how our presentation will be received and assessed and finally how we present ourselves.
3 What other useful information have you found on this topic? Please write the website where you found the information.
Date : 14 September 2007
Log-in : 8.45 am
Log-out : 9.45 am
Location : Kota Bharu PPL Centre
1 What are some of the things to remember when preparing power-point slides for an oral presentation?
Power Point can be an effective tool to help audiences to remember your message, reinforce and support your claim. PP can take on a life, tumbling, whooshing, flying, singing and stretching graphics. When prepare PP slides for an oral presentation, we must stress on these five factors; use vision wisely, use font wisely, use color wisely, animation and charts/ graphics.
2. What are some of the things to avoid when preparing power-point slides for an oral presentation?
These are some of the things to avoid when preparing PP slides for an oral presentation. First, don’t cram so much material on to a slide that it becomes impossible to read to read. Dense visuals garble the message and hurry the point. Then avoiding from using a full sentences such as using a key point the worst visual is projection of a black and white typewritten page. Red has associations with some strong negatives, particularly in business and science.
3 Give at least one other related website which has useful information on this topic.
Date : 20 September 2007
Log-in : 10.35 am
Log-out : 01.00 pm
Location : Bestari DOT Com
1 Write the website(s) where you found the most useful on non-verbal strategies in oral presentation.
2 from the above websites, list 5 things you could do to create a positive impression when giving an oral presentation.
Rehearse getting from place to place
Minimize transitions and give several verbal cues before transition
Avoid assuming the student will automatically generalize instructions or concepts
Verbally point out similarities, differences and connections; number and present instructions in sequence; simplify and break down abstract concepts, explain metaphors, nuances and multiple meanings in reading material
Answer the student’s questions when possible, but let them know a specific number (three vs. a few) and that you can answer three more at recess, or after school
3 List some things you would do to prepare yourself for an oral presentation.
Understand your purpose and role: It is critical to be clear about your purpose in the communication. This involves knowing your audience, the occasion, and the expectations of your audience. Knowing the audience will be a critical determinant in what information is presented and how it is presented.
tailor your message to the audience - understand their needs, desires, knowledge level, attitude toward your topic
be concrete, specific, practical, and relevant
Clarify what role you will be performing - coach? advocate? teach? be devil's advocate, watch dog, or messenger?
develop a logically compelling case for your plan - how will it help resolve a pressing problem, advance a salient value, or help
reach a common goal
research your topic
Date : 28 September 2007
Log-in : 8.30 am
Log-out : 10.30 am
Location : Kota Bharu PPL Centre
1 Write the website(s) where you found the most useful on language signals or transition signals.
2 Write 5 example of language signals you could use for you oral presentation.
first, second etc.
in this case
in addition
3 Did you find this activity useful? Why / Why not?
Yes, it is very useful. From my own experience, I has to convince my self that my confidence level lead more high than before. It helps me to make the oral presentation more interesting and hold it as a successful presentation.
Date : 28 September 2007
Log-in : 11.00 am
Log-out : 12.00 pm
Location : Kota Bharu PPL Centre
1 Write the website(s) where you found the most useful on question forms.
2 What have you learnt from these websites?
This website is designed to help student to improve their ability to engage in meaningful question form. It is also meant to encourage student to develop the self confidence to be able to present their opinion to a group of people
3 Did you find this activity useful? Why / Why not?
Yes, it is very useful. From my own experience, I has to convince my self that my confidence level lead more high than before. In my opinion, this activity is very useful and meaningful for better enhancement on grammar item. I could suggest to everybody to try it individually and explorer their weaknesses by themselves.
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