BBI2420 ASSIGNMENTASSIGNMENT 2 GUIDELINE___________________________________________________________________This is an individual assignment. Your task is to write a discussion using thelanguage expressions you have learnt in Unit 3. Please go through the activities inUnit 3 before you start this assignment.Choose one of the following topics and write a discussion which involves the tworoles given for each topic. Before starting on your assignment, try to read newspaperarticles or other sources on the issue or interview friends and colleagues to gathervarious viewpoints on the topic.Please use double spacing, Arial font 12 and the standard cover page for assignmentswhich can be downloaded from the PPL website.Due date: Week 10________________________________________________________________________DISCUSSION TOPICSROLES#TOPIC 1 2aThere is an overemphasis on academicperformance in schools.ParentTeacherbNational service should be scrapped.ParentGovernmentRepresentativecThe Malaysia police seem ineffective inreducing crime rate in Malaysia.PoliceCommunityleader
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